Here at CrossLinks we’re pleased that four of our activities are now running:
Teddy Tots is available in the Water Eaton Church Centre every Friday term time morning, from 9.30 – 11.30am. Bring your pre-school youngster along for a play; you get a cup of tea and a biscuit. All for £2 a session.
The Disabled Club is holding monthly meetings in the Water Eaton Church Centre on the first Wednesday of every month, from 1.00 – 4.00pm. If you’d like to know more and/or join in, please leave a message via the ‘Contact Us’ page.
Water Eaton Community Larder. The larder is open from 2.00 – 4.00pm every Tuesday afternoon in the Water Eaton Church Centre. Membership costs £10 a year. Members can buy shopping for £3.50 per week for an individual, and help reduce perfectly good food going to waste. Individual membership provides up to 10 items of non-perishables (pasta, tins, sauces etc) per week plus free fruit and vegetables. If you’re interested, why not call in for a look-see?
MK Money Lifeline. A drop-in is open in the Water Eaton Church Centre from 2.00 – 4.00pm each Tuesday. Pop in to see if we can help you deal with money worries, benefit applications or budgeting advice.